(10%) What keeps customers coming back to your business? limit 600 characters, 1 picture
From around the world, members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows come together to financially support our floats. Through the creation of a magnificent work of floral art we bring our Order's message of Friendship, Love, and Truth to the world, and demonstrate what can be accomplished by planning, teamwork and dedication. We lead by example and work together to accomplish goals in support of those less fortunate, to build a brighter future and to elevate the character of mankind.
(10%) An accomplishment, a milestone, or something else, whats been your proudest moment as a business owner? limit 600 characters, 1 picture
Our proudest moments include seeing our volunteers of all ages, teens through nanogenarians, working together in common cause, and being recognized for their work by winning awards in the parade. We received the Princesses Trophy for most beautiful float in 2010, 2011 and 2013, and the Isabella Coleman Trophy for best use of color in 2012. We honor our most outstanding members for their fraternal and civic service by inviting them to ride the float, truly an experience of a lifetime. Our volunteers remember this time of contribution as one of their most enjoyable life experiences.
(10%) What one piece of advice would you give to another small business? limit 600 characters, 1 picture
The best advice we can give is to use teamwork to carefully plan your project, understand the obstacles, make ready, and then act in a coordinated manner and persist until the goal is achieved. Never give up, even when that deadline is fast approaching or others doubt that you will succeed, don't cave in. Be resourceful and courageous! A sword in the hand of a coward is useless. The best response to doubters is success.
(10%) No two businesses are alike. What sets your business apart from the rest? limit 600 characters, 1 picture
The surface of a Rose float must be entirely covered with natural material. The colors you see are created from fresh and dried flowers, ground vegetables, grains, spices, tree bark and so on. Hundreds of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs from around the country congregate in Pasadena the last week of December to volunteer their time to create these magnificent works of floral art. Our attention to minute detail in the decoration of our floats is legendary, resulting in many parade trophies. This picture illustrates the tedious work of gluing tiny lentil beans in perfect lines to create a tiled effect.