← 1961 | 1962 | 1963 → |

This float entitled "Youth For World Peace" was entered in the Tournament of Roses Parade January 1, 1962, by Odd Fellows and Rebekahs and took Second Prize in class "C" which is composed of Fraternal, Patriotic and Musical Organizations. Riding the float is Mr. Dale Thomas of Sacramento, Grand Ruler of the Grand Junior Lodge of California and Miss Margo Szymkowski of San Diego, President of the Theta Rho Assembly of California.
This young couple are sitting just in front of a bed of 5,000 red roses in which stands a replica of the United Nations Buildings with an enlargement of the United Nations Seal for the background. There are two small beds of red roses in front of them.
The base of the float is covered with 10,000 white mums, the United Nations buildings are stock and the windows are silver leaf. The stalks of wheat are covered with bronze mums, the continents with white mums and rods with white stock. The letters are covered with tea leaves.
Approximately nine hundred hours of labor was donated by members of the order in this area, who enjoy helping by placing the flowers on our float. The cost was $5,000 this year.
Our Sovereign Grand Master, Verdie A. Dodds; Grand Master, Allen F. English; President of the Rebekah Assembly, Elizabeth Chapman; also Dale Thomas, Grand Ruler of Grand Junior Lodge; Margaret Malin, Grand Matriarch; Past Grand Masters, Past Presidents, Past Grand Patriarchs and appointed officers of all branches as well as many members came to inspect and help in finishing a beautiful float.
Paul D. Bishop, PGP, Chairman of the Float Committee.