← 1977 | 1978 | 1979 → |

Parade Theme: "On the Road to Happiness"
Our Theme: "A Day in the Country"
Our 24th consecutive float depicts a country scene. Two stone bridges arch a small stream while four of our junior members [Front: Lorna Tyler (President Theta Rho Assembly of California), Bill Collins (Grand Ruler of California). Back: Robyn Rippeon (Theta Rho from Frederick, Maryland), and Gary Hansen (Grand Ruler, from Alamoosa, Colorado)] ride on bicycles through abundantly floral shrubs of calendulas, mums, glads, and roses. Cattail, pampas, and yarrow plants grace the surroundings as well. The stone path of "potatoes" is sheltered by a giant sprawling tree bursting with camellia and orchid blooms. The moss garland, winding around the trunk and branches, is loaded with cranberries, which holds the interest of the squirrel in the tree. The ducks on the pond are calmly taking in the scene.
If you enjoyed seeing your float on TV and wish to help for the 1979 float, please send contributions to your Grand or Assembly Secretary. They will mail donations to the Grand Secretary of California. We thank you for all your past help.
Robert Haynes, Chairman of the Float Committee.