← 1978 | 1979 | 1980 → |

Parade Theme: "Our Wonderful World of Sports"
Our Theme: "High Adventure"
Our Silver Anniversary: 25 continuous years of participating in the greatest flower show on earth. With the youth of our order again showing the fine caliber of their groups, by not only riding the float, but working together with all our international leaders, many other youths and adults, to decorate, and display to the world, another family fraternity activity.
With Steve Bates, Grand Ruler of California; Debbie Marriott, President of the Theta Rho Assembly of California (her mother, Roberta (Haynes) Isbicki, rode our first float in 1955, as State President); Robert Minnichellie, from Franklin, Massachusetts; Monique Anderson, past President from Waldron, Arkansas; all warming themselves in the beautiful chalet, and with Bobby Forthun, Jr., Lodge Member, and Deanna Marriott, Theta Rho Girl, both from the El Monte, California Clubs on the Slopes.
If you wish to participate in this continuing float project to let the world know about our wonderful order, please send all contributions to your Grand or Assembly Secretary. Thanking you for all your help.
Robert Haynes, Chairman of the Float Committee.