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"Spring Forth", Watch the 1983 video.
This is the theme of the float entered in the 1983 Rose Parade by the members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. While the main theme was "Rejoice", the Order chose to let the world and our members know that it is time to spring forth, and let the world know about our activities as a charitable organization. With thousands of roses, orchids, mums and many kinds of petals and seed, it depicts the coming of the season of spring, when love blooms along with the trees and flowers. The unique waterfall is a first in float building. It is a belt on rollers, run by motors, and covered entirely with flowers, so that as it revolves, it looks exactly like water. Riding this beautiful float are Mike Honig, Grand Ruler of Calif.; Cathy Dubey, President Theta Rho of Calif.; Ron Erickson of Colorado; Christi Hayes, Pres. Theta Rho of Colorado; and Christina Hale, Theta Rho from Arkansas.
Robert Haynes, Chairman of the Float Committee.