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Artist's Concept
The theme of the 2019 Rose Parade was Melody of Life . Our float was titled 200 Years of Harmony in celebration of the bicentennial of Odd Fellowship in North America.
IOOF Rose Parade 2019 (KTLA, Hallmark, ABC and KMEX combined telecasts)
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On January 1st, 2019 the Odd Fellows Rebekahs Tournament of Roses Parade float completed its 5.5 mile journey along Colorado Blvd in Pasadena California. Our 2019 float was titled 200 Years of Harmony .
Five "Odd" minutes from the parade
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IOOFTV presents 5 minutes of "odd" moments from the parade experience: the parade queen at the Pasadena Hunt Club, Ventura lodge serves dinner to 170 workers, greetings and views from the float during the parade.
Float Public Relations Impact
On January 1st, 2019, the number of Google searches for "Odd Fellows" (plotted in blue), "Rebekahs" (plotted in yellow) and "Odd Fellows Rebekahs" (the actual name as seen on our float, plotted in red) ran about 7X to 10X the typical number of daily searches for those terms. For August 2019, the volume of Google searches for the term "Odd Fellows" was reported (using the Keywords Everywhere API) to be 18,100 per month, which averages to very roughly 600 searches per day. The graph below plots the number of daily searches relative to the maximum number of daily searches covering the months of December 2018 and January 2019. The maximum number of daily searches occurred on January 1st and has been normalized to a value of 100%. These searches originated from all across the USA.
Google searches for "Odd Fellows" clearly dominate the data and were fairly consistent throughout the year with a notable spike on January 1st. Searches for the term "Odd Fellows Rebekahs", the actual name that appears on our float, were almost non existent throughout the year except for a January 1st spike registering at about 35% of the number of searches for "Odd Fellows". Searches for "Odd Fellows Rebekahs" can only be explained by people who saw the float.
During this same period our Sovereign Grand Lodge web site averaged about 400 unique vistors with 1200 views per day. On January 1st the number of unique visitors to our web site was 3,452 visitors with 7,940 views. This roughly 8X uptick in web site visitors is consistent with the Google Trends search results and can only be attributed to people seeing our float in the Rose Parade and being inspired enough to want to learn more about our organization. Currently, we have no way to quantify how these SGL web site visitors came to see the float, ie how many saw the float live at the parade itself, or via TV broadcast or via internet streaming?